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How To Replace a universal joint

Today we're gonna remove the universal joint , let's remove the bearing caps and inspect the trunnion wipe off any excess grease or dirt so that you can get a good look at what's going on here this is a classic case of needle bearing wear or burn Elling for you tech junkies out there it's time to replace this joint let's go ahead and get this u joint out of the driveshaft yoke .

Now, whether you're using a press or a hammer we're gonna show you how to get the u joint out safe and correct the first and most important step is eye protection let's get started by removing the snap rings from the yoke now if your usually make you an inside snap ring like this or an outside snap ring like this for outside clip the good set of snap ring pliers will help remove the clip easily for inside clips a flathead screwdriver worked best with a hammer punched a clip from the yoke.

Let's give it a try you want your flat-head screwdriver to seat right behind the clip to force it off but before you do this place a rag behind the yoke in order to catch the clip as it flies off now place your flat head in its spot and give a firm strike with a hammer like this repeat .

This step for the other snap rings it may take a few tries now let's get the joint out if we're moving the u-joint with the press roll the press down to meet the bar then pull on the bar to force the u-joint cap out of the yoke turn the yoke 180 degrees and repeat the process for the other cap once the caps are removed then remove the trunnion and you're done.

If you're using a hammer to do the job you'll need a u-joint cradle like this one or a table vise like this one and an impact socket with a hole inside it large enough for the u-joint cap to go inside let's get started firmly position the u-joint into the cradle position a socket directly over the cap then with the forceful strike from a hammer push the cap out of the yoke side let's take another look.

Turn your shaft and repeat this process until both caps have been removed this may take several strikes if you're using a vise to remove your joint never by any means clamp down on to the drive shaft tubing doing this can result in damaging the tube causing vibrations and driveshaft failure instead use the vise ears to rest just like you would use the u-joint cradle and then remove the same way.

Once the caps and trunnions are removed let's clean the snap ring grooves this will ensure a proper seating for your new snap ring later on next Bieber and clean the u-joint holes failure to do so may result a tight fitting you joint and possibly premature failure ....

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