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Centrifugal Casting

We're ready to cast today so have a good look at your plaster make sure there are no cracks in it pull the base off and make sure there are no flakes of plaster in here because this is the funnel we're going to be casting into so before we put this in the kiln because we're centrifugal casting we need to balance our arm so I'll show you this is the centrifugal caster so what you do is place your flask in the cradle slip that back put it in position slide your crucible up against it shift your arm out like this so that you can balance it and do the pin in the middle and what we want is for this arm to be fairly balanced than it is.

So, now we tighten this again slip the crucible back so that we can get our flask out take the flask out and now we go put this in the kiln you're my little holy kiln we're going to put this back towards the back because it's there's more heat in the back and we're putting that on little pieces of material so that it's up off the floor and funnel down so that the material will run out close the door and turn this on so now we're going to do our heat program for eight hours .

We're ready to cast so what we'll do is we'll wind this three turns set the pin make sure that our middle is in the crucible and it's pulled back and we'll go get our flask out of the kiln be sure you wear a glove when you use the tongs to take the flask out because the kilns still going to be in 500 degrees so it'll burn you if you don't wear your blood so now I'm going to get the flask we'll put it in here slide this up against it heat the middle then we'll release it so we've taken the flask out of the kiln have a good look make sure there are no cracks 

Put the funnel part towards your crucible slide that up to it now we're going to melt this we're casting glasses just in case you have a spill you don't want this in your eyes the gesture torch probably better to hold it in the shade so you can see what your flame is doing so now we're going to melt this until it's nice and smooth and rounded the shinies .

We can mix it with our carving Roger to make sure everything's all melted but you can just sweep it up watch the metal and when it's nice with smooth and shiny is ready to fast my metals license please if you're going to stir it always what's turning with that's really good we're going to do now is release the pin .

We're going to rage the toy release the arm and duck find the shield all at the same time metrics in case you have it filled uhh be captured by the shield doesn't happen very often so let the stock of its own accord then we'll sit the flask to the side let it cool until it the button isn't read anymore and then we'll quench it in water and see what we have so now we slide our crucible out of the way grab a splash you can see the middle in the button here .

I always put more metal in than I need because it doesn't really matter if we have more in the button that just gives us more push against our pattern okay well we're waiting for the last plus to cool we'll put the one that is cool then after the water go straight to the bottom swish it around and you can feel it rumbling and when it quits rumbling .

You can touch the metal with your hands so there's my flower not as nice as I wanted so I'll I'll do it again but it's a good beginning so these are the pieces that I cast with this video as you can hear all these leaves are silver and the flower but we have to redo the flower because it didn't come out good enough

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