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Lathe Centering Tool

This this is a lathe centering tool, really handy tool for centering parts on  a lathe the first thing I needed to do  was cut off a piece of stock for the  actual lathe tool I had some half-inch  tool steel laying around from a previous  project and that was the perfect size to  fit into my lathe tool holders so I just  use the bandsaw to cut off a six inch  section and that should be big enough  for what I need the next step is to move.

This over to the middle I'm going to do  this in two steps I'm going to do one  end then I'm going to repeat all those  steps on the other end the first thing I  want to do though is indicate the edge  of the piece I'm using my electronic  edge finder to find the edge of that and  I'm just going to run a really simple  CNC program that just rounds off the  edge of it and then drills a hole for  the x-axis.

I'm using a half inch end  mill to shave off the edge that gets rid  of the nasty cut from the bandsaw also  gives me a clean edge to start with and  gives me a nice place to reference off  of since it's a half inch n-no I can  take half of that which is a quarter  inch and use as you offset and then I  can easily zero off the edge of the  piece.

Watch This VideoTo Know More About Lathe Centering Tool
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