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How Inductor works

The purpose of an inductor is to oppose  any change in the magnitude of current  within a circuit the electrical property  that resists either an increase or  decrease in current is known as  inductance  an inductor is created when an  electrical current flows in a wire  wrapped around a magnetic core.

You may  recognize this as an electromagnet  represented by flux lines that develop  around the core with the formation of a  north and south pole at their respective  ends  to demonstrate the properties of an  inductor we'll add a resistance or light  bulb to this circuit as the switch is  closed and the current flows through the  circuit.

The electromagnetic field in the  inductor forms and expands rapidly  however because of the unique properties  of an inductor as the flux lines of the  electromagnetic field expands the  changing current generates a voltage  that resists the current coming from the  source the maximum opposition to current  flow occurs at the instant the switch is  closed  therefore the bulb will not turn on  instantaneously however once the  electromagnetic field stops expanding  based on the level of changing current.

Watch This Video TO Know More About How Inductor works
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