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How It's Made - Shock Absorber

Shock absorbers do more than just smooth  your eye  they counteract the bounce when you hit  a bump holding your tires to the road  without that traction you could lose  control so by affecting steering  stopping and stability shocks are  actually a vital safety component wheel  vibrations caused a piston inside the  shock absorber to force oil through a  valve.

This absorbs energy reducing the  vehicle's bounce all this happens within  the shocks to tubes the reserve tube and  inside it the pressure tube housing the  piston rod and compression valve both of  these tubes are made from a steel sheet  sliced into strips inside this tube mill  coolant prevents the passing strip from  overheating as one forming roller after  another gradually rounds it into a tube  then a copper welding wheel fuses the  tube closed as the -yard long tube  comes off the mill a cutting tool chops  it into shock absorber lengths.

The tube  making process is the same for the  reserve and pressure tubes except that  the reserve tubes undergo one extra step  compressing the ends this enables the  shock to house a larger reserve tube  that can hold more oil the reserve tubes  final stop is a press a die inside  stamps..

Watch This Video To Know More About Shock Absorber
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