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Horsepower vs Torque - A Simple Explanation

In this video  where you're going to be talking about  the difference between torque and  horsepower and we're not going to be  using any strange analogies and very  minimal math just talking about theory  and keeping it easy to understand so  we'll start things off with torque  torque is simply a force applied at a  distance.you can think of it as a  twisting force,so if you're trying to  tighten something down using a wrench.

You apply a force you press down at a  distance the length of that wrench and  that supplies a torque at whatever  you're tightening same idea with a  socket wrench so if you're tightening  down a bolt you apply a force at a  distance and that supplies a torque to  that bolt to fasten down that bolt now.

 The same thing is happening with your  engine so combustion combustion within  your cylinder is what's supplying the  force pressing this piston down and then  that piston is pressing down on a  crankshaft so as you can see you've got  your force pressing down you've got your  distance where it's pressing on the  crankshaft the axis of rotation is the  center here.

The piston is pressing  offset from that center so at a specific  distance and combined that gives you  your engine torque force pressing down  at a specific distance that gives you a  twisting force that's the torque that  your engine is making now torque can be  manipulated very easily by using gears  or by using leverage...

Watch This Video To Know Moare About Horsepower vs Torque
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