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Comp Cams - How it's Made

Comp camps has been producing  high-quality camshafts and valve train  components since  those -plus  years of experience have culminated into  a company that has dominated the racing  industry with thousands of NASCAR and  NHRA wins to its credit today we take  you inside the top-secret facility of  Comp Cams to show you how a camshaft is  manufactured from raw bar stock to the  final camshaft for your racing or street  engine.

You'll never wonder again  how is my camshaft made  the earliest stage of camshaft  manufacturing is design and engineering  here are some of the most talented  engineers utilize specialized equipment  to design both off-the-shelf cams and  custom racing cams utilizing multiple  proprietary design software packages.

engineers are able to simulate cam  design using both static and dynamic  computer models with hundreds of  possible valve train configurations  camshaft lifts valve acceleration and  duration combinations design then leads  to prototyping in the prototyping phase  a one-off camshaft is developed and  manufactured to the specifications  determined in the initial design phase  thus pintron testing is implemented here  to properly evaluate the camshaft in a  real-world valvetrain environment...

Watch This Video To Know Maore About  How it's Made Comp Cams 
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