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10 Most Amazing Vehicles

The  most ten amazing vehicles most of  these means of transportation won't take  you a few kilometers from home to work  but they'll do just fine for a stroll in  a city park or moving around the office  in any case they look unusual and for  that alone deserve your attention so  here are the  craziest means of  transportation.

 Let's get it on  number  double round skate unlike a  conventional skate the double round  model allows you to freely manage your  feet turn and spin at the heart of the  skateboarder  wheels with a diameter of   centimeters and a comfortable  platform for the feet number.

Hoverboard levitating an inch above the  ground  the Hendo borders four discs shape  motors that create a magnetic field  repelling the board from the ground or  rather from a non ferromagnetic material  over which it hovers number three one  wheel electric skateboard the one wheel  skate is a self-balancing unicycle  electromechanical skateboard in simple  terms..

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