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How to check easily that are pistons rings OK or wear out in car or truck?

Easy way to check, that are engine's pistons rings OK or not.This is how to check easily that are engine's pistons rings OK or wear out in car or truck.

Today we are planning to show you how I check that are my cars  this piston rings burn out and there is  very useful hint that like in here we  have destroy the cameras water where is  now this mile.

It's something like more than thousand miles and this motor  should be very good condition this don't this motor don't eat any oil and now I'd  like to check that the pot is my piston rings situation and how to check that  there is idea that I need to open this oil hat what is in here I will sort that .

This invert that cap in terror and next  I open that gap and then then there is I  have idea that but I next start this  engine and I check that that this is  like this that how much in that oil palm  in how much in terror this this and air  and this piston area comparison come out  and I've also that how how to test that  and next I start the engine and if there comes a huge amount of air correctly  then

This my piston rings and pistons  are very well out and next I start to  engine  thoughts  because they are keep apart forever  I can accuse both red  okay and this this test test purpose  Boston but when his cap was open in in  like in here  and if there are games .

This air press read out really fast then I can write  the way like in some spraying and air comes out in here I could not describe  the way that my piston rings are burned out and this is really excellent test and then please remember be careful because when this motor is running.

These  spark plugs in here they can gain a bit  really huge electric shock to your hand  and that's the reason please use all  time this rooper close because they  protect little bit this I got elected  skin and then use also protected  protective food those that this  choose sorry and I will saw the foetus  protective suits there must be a bluebird in this photo around.

Here is protective choose that there's  idea that they protect if it is electric  joke comes that I don't get big shock  but be careful and in that point ....

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