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BMW E30 Alternator Restoration

This restoration began by dismantling the alternator completely. This was difficult as most of the bolts were seized. After some persuasion with various tools, they all came. An impact driver is now on it way to me.

I then gave each part I was about to blast a clean to save the blasting media from grease and dirt. I then blasted the case, the fan and pulley and the nuts and bolts. I then clean the parts with isopropyl in preparation for paint.

Firstly I etch primed them and then none-sand primed, and then coloured and lacquered. I then zinc plated the fan, pulley and bots that attach to the front of the alternator. My plating solution is not in good condition. It should be clear not foggy.

I also don't show the water bath I have for dipping the parts in, in between different baths. Whilst I let the plating dry for two days, I set about changing the brushes on the voltage regulator.

I then strip, clean and paint the stator red. Adding lacquer to the coils for protection. I decide to buy a new rotor as I found one for a very good price and the original was very worn. I then reassemble the alternator and the restoration is complete.

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