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Angle Grinder Hacks. Very useful inventions.

Today we're gonna be looking at some pretty interesting DIYs let's start with an angle grinders soleplate by using it along with the pointer you get a better quality cut .

Although of you an experienced user there's actually no need for it besides it makes a pretty good mini crosscut saw also if you fix it on a table you'll get a decent sharpener the soleplate is easily detachable which is why you can always use the device as a standard angle grinder and here's another angle grinder adjustment that allows for a much better pipe cutting experience thanks to the embedded bearings it slides smoothly along the surface .

and now if we just fix this thing on it and twist the pipe we'll get the maximum accuracy cut now here's something that will make your lathe turn into a sort of grinding machine the drum goes between the spindle and the headstock the adjustable table goes in the frame there's also a mini exhaust on top .

This next item is a soldering iron stand when the copper stands on it the switch flicks and the current moves through the diode it gives it a how the charge so that the copper won't overheat break it up and you'll get the full charge sometimes it happens that you need to elevate something big and elongated like this bar so this next solution will certainly save you a lot of time and strength .

There's a catch at the bottom so that's very convenient and here's a folding welding table it's super compact so very handy when you haven't got much free space at your garage or workshop or what have you it's got a whole system of cables which allows you to switch it on with a single move it is made of a profile pipe and a three millimeter steel sheet.

It also has an exhaust module if you want you can make it larger by simply moving out the jam ,if you happen to use flush and fluid a lot then perhaps you'll be interested in a a rather reasonable alternative which is acetone all we'll need is this kind of bottleneck with evolved remove and a syringe that you'll have to glue in it .

Simply twist it like so and pour the liquid which is actually 10 times cheaper than usual solution and put the plunger inside syringe that's all for now .
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