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Turning Game Dice! Making a six side cube (D6) die on the mini lathe!

This project turned out to be a super neat use of another piece of scrap from  a previous project after all the round stuff I've been making I thought it would be cool to make something square and I thought it would be extra cool to  do it on a tool used for making things  round first I just did a couple of facing cuts to clean and square up the  faces nothing out of the ordinary here  .

Next I mounted the part in the Chuck  sideways and I know you're wondering  what kind of square peg in a round hole  type black magic is this but keep  watching and you'll see how this works  also I didn't realize until this project  that the Chuck jaws are beveled  perfectly for holding parts like this.

Next because of the rather dramatic  interrupted cutting I made sure to line  everything up carefully ,once lined up I made a series of facing  cuts periodically rotating the part  ninety degrees .

After rotating the part four times I  ended up with a rough cube shape I took  to the Internet and learned that  standard dice have  millimeter sides  so I used this measurement as a guide to  bring the cube to its final dimensions .

Once it was the proper dimensions I did  some rough hand sanding to remove any  truck marks and smooth out the sharp  edges  I followed the rough sandpaper with some  finer hand sanding and finally a little  bit of light polishing  the best way I could think of to mark  the side indentions to be drilled was  with the coding of layout fluid and a  small scribe  .

The internet also told me that dice are  generally defined in one of two patterns  clockwise and counterclockwise  respectively I chose clockwise since I like to look  to the future and not dwell on the past  and scribed unique patterns in each side  to mark the corresponding denomination  after everything was marked I took to  the drill press to drill some indents  first I carefully used a center drill  bit to mark the final position of each  indent.

Once everything was marked we used a  small drill bit to lightly mark each  intention ,the most boring step in this project was  waiting for the aluminum black to  science the indentions one side at a  time I left what was left of the layout  fluid on for this step to try to protect  the surfaces from any overflowing  aluminum black .

After all the indentions were darkened I  washed off the remaining aluminum black  and used fine sandpaper to clean up the  sides and followed it with some brake  cleaner to remove any excess layout  fluid that might have been left  and that's it a really neat-looking  solid aluminum game died of proper size  with a proper pattern hopefully you  enjoyed this project.

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