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Manual VS CNC Machining

Today we going to explain the difference  between a manual machine and a CNC  machine manual machining is dear to my  heart 20 years ago when I got into this trade  where I didn't know anything I was put  on a manual machine  it's how I learned how to cut metal a  manual machine has hand cranks we say  hand cranking in the y-direction.

In this  machine we actually rotate the handle to  engage the tool into the material in the  x-direction we rotate this handle in the  z direction  we actually lift up the spindle and lock  it down we also can engage z-axis by  raising or lowering the table cranking  the handle actually raises the table so  now let's go look at the CNC machine .

Alright so here we have a CNC machine  computer numerical controlled so just  like the manual mill we have the same  axis of movement but now we have servo  motors they're actually controlling  those axes with the CNC machine  everything is automatic and we run off  of G codes and M codes the programs are  created through a CAD cam system so we  take a solid model we bring it into the  CAD cam system like fusion 360 then we  actually call tools and we call out  profiles and we run the tools around the  profiles and we create a program 

Once  the program is complete it gets posted  we then send the code to the machine the  machine reads the codes grabbing each  tool and running it exactly like we did  in the CAD cam system you've got to grab  all the tools put them in special  folders and then you have to put the  tools in the machine you have to zero  all the tools to the part and then  actually zero the part and then you're  ready to run your program .

When we look  at run time manual machining cannot  compete with CNC machining you can make  this machine run lightning-fast non-stop  with no operator everything is automatic  and efficient it keeps my workers busy  it makes me efficient it allows me to  quote work and get those jobs so we can  make parts that go on submarines on  rockets that go to space and everywhere  in between if I didn't have a CNC  machine ...
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