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A cool tool for Removing Rusted bolts and fasteners

We got a flat head forward here and as you can see got some  rusty bolts in it we've got a cool tool  that we bought from our snap-on man a  mini ducktor and it's actually warming  up the bolt without affecting anything  around it  and if all goes right it will release the bolt  and here goes.

Now you had one of these  break off  Denny Richard without using  that tool after penetrating oil and  white and it still broke the bolts  within a quarter of a turn and the other  four for the other three are coming out  easy with the help of this magic tool  watch this folks  within seconds of smoking  heat travels down through the threads.

You get around the other side  you can see the oil bubbling on the  surface so no cut-off wheels no torch  that was less than a minute  you do have to be careful when you're  doing this no air tools on this if you  take your time and pay attention no  broken bolts  and don't rub it with your bare hands  yeah it does make it hot although the turn the contact point on the tool cools  off really fast so you don't have to  worry about burning yourself .

Off course common sense has to be used on all these  equipment tools  as you can see we got a bunch of old  cars we work on and motorcycles so we  have many many rusty bolts matter of  fact our car trailer the other day had  some bolts on it that wouldn't come out  even with an impact so I use that tool  right there ..

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