The basics on a Speed square
This is the most universal pieces of equipment that you can own is a speed square we'll talk about some of the simple things about a speed square its main purpose is to lay out lines very very quickly and very efficiently and accurately so the first thing since it's a square it's made to bump up to the edge of workpiece and scribe a 90 degree line to one edge now another thing that you can do with the speed square is it has this long 45-degree leg on it and it's the same process you can bump it up to the edge of the workpiece and scribe a 45-degree line off this edge .
Another cool thing that you can do with the speed square is this guy to built in quarter inch increments for ripping stock you can pick one of those slots say if you want to cut two inches off of the board you would get to the two inch slot and drag your pencil and the square down and you'd have a two inch line from the outside of your board another great thing about the speed square is it's also a protractor .
If you see all these numbers here on the side of the square - to use the protractor what you have to do is is on all squares they have what's known as a it says pivot on the top side it's got a arrow pointing to the corner to use it you're going to pick a edge that you're going to bump it up to and holding the square real firmly you're going to pivot the square in any direction and hold it to wherever you want that that line to be say if we wanted one 45 degrees I'm going to try to draw a parallel to this one .
You'll read on this side of the protractor - 45 degrees and just put that mark right there on the edge of the line of the board and then you'll scribe your line and there's your 45 degrees the great thing about the protractor is it can do any degree from one two ninety another great thing about the square and a lot of people don't know this unless your professional contractor is what are all these numbers for yeah common up here and then you have hip value right here the common stands for your common rafter lengths on pitches of roofs and the hip value stands for the hips and valleys that you have in a roof.
And those rafters have to be cut a certain way I'm going to teach you everything that I know about all the common okay we got a little model here of a rafter and for demonstration purposes let's just say that the tail of the rafter down here uh maybe a squirrel got into it and eight side of it off and your face is falling down and it just you know looks bad and you need to patch this so you need a small section of rafter here to scab back on the side.
So you got something to mount your fascia to so on this model here if you do not know the pitch of the roof which is you've got to know that to cut these one really cool trick that you can do with the speed square is take you a speed square and a plumb bob and come up to the roof of your building and take the plumb bob and put it right there through the pivot that we used earlier for the pro chart protractor...
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