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Compact Tortilla Machine

It's not like a regular  flour so this each roller has as a  wires like this so it separates the masa  from the roller and then there's a  judgment here tension adjustment or so  you don't see but this front roller also  have a wire that cuts off the masa from  the bowler in there tension adjustment  here  but I'll show you how to take the  cutting blade out of the machine first  you know use this lever welcome to unit  and you see the cutting blade over there .

This cutting blade right now is engaged  simply bring this lever down and hook it  in to this latch and simply pull this  out bring it up sorry for signal this is  just pop out it has a little tension but  this is what the plate is now let's put  it back in put it in the hole  press it down that's it  so this mechanism here and this knob of  course control the thickness of the  tortilla so I'll turn turn the Machine  off and by looking at by separating the  dollar and by looking at the gap in  between this roller you turn  counterclockwise you get widen if you  know you get clockwise it gets tightened  so this is a just torture technique so  just make sure the cover is closed when  you put your finger in always turn not  touch the unit all.

This is very very dangerous you put your  finger pinched it's not it doesn't get  hurt it cuts your finger you know so  this has when this is run running should  never leave the cover open so again this  is very very dangerous so you know cover  here I made it out of acrylic and don't  drop it it breaks high and then it's a  semi transparent so you could see  actually you could see what's going on  inside  when would someone to take the cover off  mostly no but when you have to replace  the wire that I mentioned earlier you  have to take this off but make sure you  got a power off and only you know  experienced people should mess with this  side especially so you recommend that  they power off unplug everything  everything  and also this breakout future the safety  system in case somebody get their finger  pinched to whatever you know to towel or  the word we simply push this down it'll  separate your this is a very special  American safety standard .

This is a you know digital control this  is this is about the normal speed if it  is too fast to slow it down like that  and if you want really tight back high  speed this will get there you later  one thing when you you know break the  breakaway and feedback in sometimes this  here just this sometimes doesn't get  engaged perfectly sometimes it does this  all right like this then right here then  you will see the gap here that's okay  but you put then you you would roll turn  this in your roller literally it goes  back to where it should be so it's a  perfect ever not closing that's most  likely reason that's  I'm going to put the cover back and with  closed ocular two wingnuts and you don't  have to do this very often but how  tightly needs you add there is snow snow  so can you disengage the back part with  that cover on oh yeah yeah so I'll show  you here and your disengage does this .

 It's awesome engage that's a magnet okay  so so I mean the way I built you can can  put your finger in oh my gosh so this  should be okay okay now let's make a  tortilla see what happens  I can show you this for this is called  masa tray you place the market this  machine that unit just top the roller  and we are ready to put the the Masada  you buy this monetary pound will smell  so good corn all right let's see from  this side  make sure you put mass on the side the  flea it sticks to the you know yellow  metal of course right now 

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