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Tiger Leaf Spring Load Test

Leaf spring was invented by Obadiah Elliot of London in 18th century. He simply piled one steel plate on top of another, pinned them together and shackled each end to a carriage, it was the first ever leaf spring used on a vehicle.
It is originally called as a laminated or carriage spring, and sometimes referred to as a semi-elliptical spring or cart spring.A leaf spring is a simple type of suspension spring which is commonly used in heavy duty vehicles.

Leaf springs used in automobiles is of semi-elliptical type. • It is built up of number of plates (known as leaf),which are reducing in lengths. • The longest leaf is called as main leaf or master leaf & other leaves are called as graduated leaves. • The spring is clamped to the axle by means of U-bolts. • Rebound clips are used to hold the leaves together.

Leaf spring acts as a linkage for holding the axle in position and thus separate linkage are not necessary. It makes the construction of the suspension simple and strong. • As the positioning of the axle is carried out by the leaf springs so it makes it disadvantageous to use soft springs i.e. a spring with low spring constant. • Therefore, this type of suspension does not provide good riding comfort. The inter-leaf friction between the leaf springs affects the riding comfort. • Acceleration and braking torque cause wind-up and vibration. Also wind-up causes rear-end squat and nose- diving.

Watch This Video to Know More About Tiger Leaf Spring Load Test

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