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Drilling Square Holes

The mechanical design and of a square hole producing tool based on Reuleaux Triangle. The main aim of video is to  how the circular motion can be converted into a square motion by purely a mechanical linkages; an application of which is to construct a special tool that drills exact square holes.

The geometrical construction that fulfils the laid objective is Reuleaux Triangle . Additionally, for this geometry to work like a rotating drive (such as a drill press) must force the Reuleaux triangle to rotate inside a square, and that requires a square guide to constrain the Reuleaux triangle as well as a special coupling to describe the fact that the center of rotation also in moves within in the constrain.

The practical importance of this enhancement is that the driving end can be placed in a standard drill press; the other end is restricted to stay inside the fixed square, will yield a perfectly square locus and this can be turned into a working square-to drill hole.

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